Red Harvest

Red Harvest

By Dashiell Hammett

Format: ePub  (Adobe DRM)
Availability: Instant download


Red Harvest follows the detective known as the Continental Op in his investigation of several murders amid a labor dispute in a corrupt Montana mining town. The Continental Op is called to Personville (known as "Poisonville" to the locals) by the newspaper publisher Donald Willsson, who gets murdered before the Op has a chance to meet with him. The Op meets with the victim's father, Elihu Willsson, a local industrialist who has found his control of the city threatened by several competing gangs. In the meantime, the Op is spending time with Dinah Brand, a possible love interest of the late Donald, who is connected to a local gang. However, when the Op wakes up the next morning, he finds Dinah stabbed to death with the ice pick he handled the previous evening. The Op becomes a suspect for Dinah's murder, wanted by the police, so he tries to solve the puzzle in front of him in order to clear his name and finish the job.

Dashiell Hammett

< p > Samuel Dashiell Hammet (St. Mary's County, 1894 - Nueva York, 1961) < /p > < p > Nacido en el seno de una familia de campesinos, trabajó como detective privado en Baltimore y participó en la Primera Guerra Mundial, lo que dejó secuelas en su salud durante el resto de su vida. Su pasión por la literatura despertó a principios de los años veinte, llegando a alcanzar la fama durante la Gran Depresión. < /p > < p > Novelista influyente y admirado entre los años 1929 y 1934, dejó a un lado su profesión para dedicarse al activismo político, militando en movimientos antifascistas y afiliándose en 1937 al Partido Comunista de los Estados Unidos, lo que le empujó a participar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Su filiación política le comportó serios problemas a lo largo de los años cincuenta, siendo investigado por el Congreso norteamericano y pasando a formar parte de las listas negras del senador McCarthy. & nbsp; < /p >